At the last stage, From Depression to the hidden supernatural power.
D E P R E S S I O N — Let’s talk about it in both ways, the positive and negative.
Well, First of all, you are reading this, that’s very nice. The reason for reading this article may be different obviously. I hope you are well and reading this because you want to hear me or maybe you are an unknown or random reader from worldwide. But, if you are reading this because you are feeling that you are at the last stage then please focus on my words and feel like I am there with you.
A story of Shobhit Sharma (me)
Start with this question to me, Who are you, Shobhit? What you achieved in your life yet? Are you professional? Are you skilled in any particular field? Do you have any expertise or specialty? Basically, Who I am?
The best answer from my side is that “Yes, I am Shobhit and I have my family they give me a name Sharma at last, So I am Shobhit Sharma” that’s all. I didn’t mention my skills here because I don’t have them. Let’s start with a story.
In the year 2007, A boy from a Rural Area (currently considered a Model Town or Sub Urban Area). One day, he was in their school and a teacher announced that “Students, A good news for you. Our principal just bought half a dozen of computers for Labs”. All were excited at that time, that boy also. On that day, The excitement level of 99% of students was finished after half an hour. All were normal but, the boy was so excited from that day and was thinking about “This is something great thing, this is unique, This is the future”. Future? What? The computer. The boy was me.
Why did I tell my story? Because
“The day when you take interest in something, The interest will convert into your dreams. At that time, the first achievement you got in your life, was the first blessing of God for your Dreams.”
The same thing happened to me, The “Computer” was my interest and instantly it was converted into my dream. Finally, I can say I got my way at the age of 6. Here, Age doesn’t matter to watch dreams.
The conclusion of my story is that If you also have your field of interest or having an interest in something, something that can change your life, something you watch in your dreams, then you’ve already taken a step up at the stairs of the journey of your Success.
What Happened Actually?
So, you are at the last stage and you actually don’t know what to do and according to this world, you made a statement in your mind that “You are in depression”.
Understand How Things Work Actually?
So, What is depression actually? According to 99.99 percent of people in this world, depression is “a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called a major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.”
Oh god! That’s one of the reasons why people actually feel that they are depressed, just because of that kind of definition. What I mean here? The mean is “You take only negative side according to the situation”.
I am not an expert in that particular field but, I also was in the depression stage. I also tried to quit. I tried to harm myself, I tried to commit suicide twice in my life. Why? Why I tried? Why are you thinking about it? What will you achieve and What I could achieve? Being depressed doesn’t mean you give up or you quit. There is no solution written on the books or worldwide internet that quitting or giving up is the solution. And Why solution? Why we are assuming that or accepting that if There is Depression then we have to find a solution. Why we are thinking that Depression is a Question or Problem Statement.
According to my experience, What is Depression?
Let’s take my story, At the age of 6 in 2007, The computer became my dream. At the age of 12, I got my first Laptop in 2013 and from 2013 to 2017. I used to operate my Laptop with an active internet connection and what I was doing at that time, I used to download “PC Games”, download “Latest Software” from the Internet and collect them on a personal Hard Drive. I used to test lots of Software and did many experiments with Hardware, Software & Networking. In my teenage, I didn’t focus on what is friend circle? How to talk with someone, especially girls? I didn’t prepare myself to face questions or professionals. I didn’t attend parties also. I didn’t like Cameras and I still don’t like them. I didn’t know what is the actual meaning of “Girl Friend” before the 12th standard. I just turned my way at a very young age from the real world to the Virtual World.
In 2017, When I was in 1st year of College in Semester 1, I just wrote a letter, a Suicide Note for my Mom, and gave it to my Electronics Teacher. What was going wrong with me at that time? Why I suddenly took this step. Actually, I was scared. I was scared because I didn’t want to get failed in 1st Semester just because I didn’t like Electronics and not focused on that also.
Is this a simple thing I did? Is this a very quick action for me in that situation? Yes, it’s very easy for me at that time. Why?
Because I actually didn’t care about what’s going on in this world. I actually didn’t know how to do wrong with other people. I thought that If I was failed in Semester then My Parents, They will not kill me but, They will be very disappointed with me, for my performance. I don’t want to hurt them and I was thinking that Finishing life is far better than getting failed in Semester. I didn’t care about anything in my life. I used to listen to my Dad’s struggle and failure story and how he survived in their life. My dad inspired me to do good things in life. My mom always protected me and my siblings from this world.
A boy, who knows about Computer and their future. A boy, who has a clear vision in their life. A boy, who knows more about Virtual instead of Real. Who actually don’t know what’s going on in this world. And He suddenly faces these kinds of Level 0 Failures and gets depressed because He didn’t want to get failed and just because not to hurt or disappoint their parents, He tried to finish himself. Why?
Because of lack of knowledge, lack of experience. Not Subject Knowledge, I am talking about. Not Work Experience, I am talking about. I am talking about the real world, real people. College life was different from their own virtual life, with their own dreams. He didn’t face any cheating, He didn’t face the wrong things that happened to him ever. Nothing negative, He faced.
When you have your dreams, but the world is not like that what you assumed. When you want to live according to you, but the world is not like that where you can live. When you want to do good things in your life, but the world is not like that where you can achieve good things in return. When you want to trust someone, but the world is not like that where a belief can be built upon.
When the things are absolutely different or against your rules, that time the stage of Depression starts.
That doesn’t mean that what you wanted you didn’t achieve or you are not getting the things in your way.
The End? Absolutely No
Depression is a great achievement sometimes in some cases, How? Am I crazy? Now continue to the final words.
From “Depression” To “Hidden Super Natural Power”
As I already mentioned that “Depression is a great achievement in the journey of success”. Depression is a stage? Yes, it is.
Now ask something to you
- Do you have dreams?
- Why do you want to be successful?
- Do you think that success is like having chocolate?
That’s enough…
Now, Let me answer these questions very quickly.
Yes, I have a dream, or maybe I have dreams. Yes, I have dreams then obviously I want to be successful. No, I don’t think that success is like having chocolate.
Is your Answer is No for the third question?
Congratulations!!! Success is not like having chocolate. If you know, you are supposed to do hard work, if you know, the size of your dreams is bigger then you have to invest accordingly. Lots of hard work is required, Lots of efforts are needed. Lots of time will be invested.
Depression is the stage. It will give you the answers related to your dreams. When you have the right way, then this stage along with failure, stress, backbite, etc. will come.
In Depression, you start asking questions to yourself, instead of leaving the questions, you have to face them and answer.
Why do you ask God for blessings and the right path? If you are asking God, then God will give you the answers not directly but indirectly God will show you the way.
The depression is a stage is also a way. Because, success is also a way, depression is one of the route for success.
Tired of something? What’s the problem statement? Depression is taking over your mind? If yes, then why are you allowing it? Don’t you love your family, guardians, or parents? Don’t you love your dreams? Why are you thinking that If you are in depression then you will finish your life? Just Replace it…
Inside the Game of Life, In the way of Success, Whenever you entered in the depression stage, instead of finishing your life, finish the depression stage and continue the game to face more problems, more stages.
Because you are a warrior. You can not finish it very quickly. You have to survive and win. What happened if nobody is with you. That’s fine, you should be happy because your efforts will only give results to you. You have to prepare yourself to face every situation. You have to prepare yourself to take responsibility for everything, even bad things or failures may be.
A person who overcome depression, also get some super natural powers to face the next in their life.
These are the ability of Warriors.
So, Let me answer the first question to me “Who are you, Shobhit?”. The answer is “I am who, came from the depression stage and has written this article”. #ComeBack #BounceBack
Don’t be worried about anything, Relax. It’s all running inside your mind. You are visualizing the things, you have to change your Point of View. Your Guardians are looking at you, they are waiting for the day when you will be successful. Find the positive side… Get some supernatural powers from these stages… Respect your life…
If you ever feel depressed, then please finish the stage not life.
Thanks for reading this!!!
This Content is Written, Edited, and Published by Shobhit Sharma.
I don’t want to promote my Social Media at the bottom, I just want to request to my respected reader that please, if you can then ask your siblings, parents, and friends if they might face this stage. And also share this article with the relevant person or any of your interested audience if you want.
God Bless You, Take Care & Keep Smiling…