CASE STUDY EXPLAINED: “How Spotify is being migrated from Docker’s Homegrown Orchestration to Kubernetes.”
Spotify is a Swedish audio streaming and media services provider, launched in October 2008. The platform is owned by Spotify AB, a publicly-traded company on the New York Stock Exchange since 2018 through its holding company Spotify Technology S.A. based in Luxembourg. Wikipedia
Spotify has grown to over 200 million monthly active users across the world. After being an early adopter of microservices and Docker, Spotify had containerized microservices running across its fleet of VMs with a homegrown container orchestration system called Helios.
Helios is a Docker orchestration platform for deploying and managing containers across an entire fleet of servers. Helios provides an HTTP API as well as a command-line client to interact with servers running your containers. ~
And later in 2017, According to Jai Chakrabarti, it became clear that
“having a small team working on the features was just not as efficient as adopting something that was supported by a much bigger community” ~ Jai Chakrabarti, Director of Engineering, Infrastructures, and Operations.