Embracing Technology: Don’t Give Up

Shobhit Sharma
5 min readOct 22, 2020


If it is Technology, Don’t Give Up

Technology has become an integral part of our lives. It fascinates and intrigues me. Admittedly, I lack the expertise to be a professional in this field, just as I lack the skills to eat pizza gracefully or look like a pro. My so-called friends mock me, but they aren’t true friends. They question, “Why don’t you enjoy parties? Why don’t you have a trendy hairstyle? Why are you so imperfect?” There’s a girl who dislikes me, assuming that my feelings for her go beyond friendship. However, the reality is that I simply enjoy conversing with her. I am alone because of my attitude and my limited understanding of the world. That’s why I yearn for a friend, a female friend, or even a girlfriend. Why? Because I want someone with whom I can share my thoughts, good habits, and conversations, be it a girl or a friend. It’s not about insecurity; it’s about finding someone who truly understands me, as there are certain things I can’t confide in my family. Sadly, she perceives me as insecure and obsessed, which is far from the truth. It truly hurts.

Yes, I admit that I am imperfect. I struggle with attending parties, styling my hair, having a fashion sense, maintaining a perfect physique, and even eating pizza correctly. But does that make me a psycho? I am alone, and while being alone can be painful, what truly hurts is the underlying truth.

Now, who am I, really? What knowledge do I possess? And why am I discussing these personal matters when the topic is “Technology”? Why am I diverting from the subject at hand?

Being stuck in a situation often leads to contemplating common issues. It’s not your fault; it’s what makes you unique. Remember, your family, especially your mother, cares for you and loves you deeply.

Let’s focus on your first “Hello World” program in any programming language. Take a moment to recall or reminisce about the day you successfully executed that program on your machine. Congratulations! On that day, you became a part of the 1% who have experienced this accomplishment. It doesn’t matter if you were 13, 14, 16, or 19 years old when you first executed it. What matters is that you did it. Did you copy it from the internet? Well, that’s okay. At least you know how to utilize available resources. Think of the internet as your teacher and the website from which you copied the program as a book. The teacher (internet) suggests checking the book (website) for the “Hello World” program. However, if you understand how it works, that’s great; you didn’t need to copy it.

So why would you want to give up? Is it because of your nature, the constant comparisons with others, underestimating your own abilities, or not truly knowing who you are and what you can do? Why?

Listen, it all comes down to your mindset, how you perceive things. It’s perfectly fine to face challenges and have a life full of problems. But remember, if you don’t take action, nothing will change. If you believe you can’t do it, then indeed, you won’t be able to.

The ball is in your court.

You invested your teenage years in technology. You compromised your academic marks, skipped parties, struggled with social interactions, and lacked basic skills like eating pizza or presenting yourself. You find yourself stuck in the vast technological world, facing errors and obstacles with no mentor or guidance. But don’t worry!

Take a moment to relax and focus on yourself. Ask yourself:

  • Who are you?
  • What can you do?
  • What are you currently doing?
  • Who supports you?
  • What do you aspire to become?

The answers are simple. You are unique, you can execute a “Hello World” program, and you are making strides in the technological world. Your mother supports you. Your goal is to be a good person, someone who cares about others and humanity as a whole.

What’s wrong if you don’t have many friends? What’s wrong if you enjoy your own company? What’s wrong if you struggle with eating pizza or styling your hair? What’s wrong if you are innocent and sensitive? What’s wrong if some people don’t like you?

What will happen if you can’t overcome a challenge? What will happen if you don’t find a solution?

Listen, you are alone because you are unique. Your hairstyle might not be perfect because you rarely look in the mirror; you focus more on your future self. Your struggles with eating pizza stem from your innocence and lack of attention to the process. You’ve compromised other aspects of your life for technology — your personality, teenage experiences, friendships, and entertainment.

But here’s the truth: if you’ve made those sacrifices for technology, then technology already belongs to you. If you genuinely love technology and are willing to compromise for it, congratulations! You are part of the 1%. Don’t worry about what others say or think about you; it doesn’t really matter. Instead, focus on whether you are satisfied with yourself and what your mother thinks of you.

Don’t let failures drive you to give up or contemplate ending it all. These negative thoughts are mere illusions. In reality, nobody is thinking about you. And even if they are, congratulations once again — you are not part of the crowd; you are unique. Remember, failures and errors are the stepping stones to success. They provide feedback, indicating that your approach is incorrect. At least you are doing something, and they are guiding you toward the right path. I’ll repeat it again:

Failures are a message telling you that you need to adjust your course. Through repeated failures, you will eventually find the right path to success.

Who is your friend? Your best friend is the computer. Look at your laptop screen; it silently says, “Relax, buddy. I’m always here for you. Try again with a fresh perspective. I won’t abandon you. I’ll compile the wrong things, the right things, but I won’t leave. I’m here to tell you when you’re on the wrong track.”

If you have the will to persist, you will succeed. That’s all there is to it.

Think logically, like your friend, the computer. But remember, don’t give up. Success is not meant for everyone. You have to make sacrifices. Success is for unique individuals like you.

Thank you for taking the time to read my words. This article was written with love by Shobhit Sharma. If you found it helpful, please share it with those who could benefit from this kind of motivation. I would greatly appreciate your valuable feedback on this story. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.



Shobhit Sharma
Shobhit Sharma

Written by Shobhit Sharma

Documenting my life's experiences and learning.

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